
Perfect Memory’s Semantic Data Management Platform spotted by american media influencer

Herve-Utheza-1Earlier this month, Herve Utheza, CEO of Utheza Media Advisory, released a post on Nscreenmedia about broadcasting. Entitled “Broadcasting is dead, long live “broad-net-casting”, this article is a pamphlet about the future of Broadcasting. Based on thoughts about the last IBC Show in Septembre, the review shows a short term glimpse on Broadcasting.

Perfect Memory is quoted as a brilliant example of software solution about digital asset management, as Herve Utheza says : “In the minor halls, smaller vendors had a different focus. They were promoting software-only solutions and tools to manage exponentially growing vaults of digital media. One which attracted my attention was Perfect Memory, with a fantastic platform-architected solution using “semantics” and “ontology” to perform media asset search and management. Simply put, the system helps to find something when a user doesn’t remember the name or title of the show or movie he is searching for”.

The whole article is available on

About the author : Herve Utheza (@utheza)