Perfect Memory wins the Celtic-Plus Excellence Award
Founding member of the european project Mediamap+, Perfect Memory will be in Vienna (Austria) on April 27th to attend to the Celtic-Plus event. Organized by the Eureka Cluster Celtic-Plus, this show gathers many experts in the communication technologies field.
Each year, the Celtic Award is delivered to the most innovative project followed by Celtic-Plus. With the rest of the Mediamap+ project (SGT, Radio France, RTBF, Kendra Foundation, Limecraft) Perfect Memory will attend the ceremony. As Steny Solitude (CEO of Perfect Memory) says : “an award would be the best conclusion to this successful project”.
As a reminder, between 2012 and 2014, the Mediamap+ team thought then developed an application system which enables a dynamic, low-threshold and cost-effective media production ecosystem. Perfect Memory shared its technologic skills and especially its semantic middleware in order to respond to the data communication problem.
Steny Solitude, CEO of PERFECT MEMORY states: “Each time professionals think in a creative way of a multimedia database, they could need our semantic connector. Moreover, the same architecture allows others connectors as ‘players’ to reformulate and push multimedia contents toward existing distribution platforms. Thanks to the semantic approach, the platforms strains contents depending on input or output profile. “
Indeed, PERFECT MEMORY owns one of the most advanced solutions for the Entertainment and Media Contents Technology. It respects the FIMS (Framework for Interoperable Media Services) standard. Allowing a two level convergence: professions and data sources; the platform strongly simplifies information access for all users and boosts the traction of enhanced catalogues.
Steny Solitude concludes: ”In a multipolar world, where both information sources and media consumption platforms are multiple; system interoperability is now a crucial issue. Therefore, our ambition is to become both an essential tool for multimedia distribution and a new form of Business Intelligence”.
More informations on Mediamap+ are available here. You can also register for the Celtic-Plus event by following this link.